Happy New Year! It’s a brand new start to a fresh new year and you tackle it with gusto every January. Every year you decide this is the year you will make some healthy lifestyle changes….and by February they are out the window. How can we change this so that you keep up your goals throughout the entire year? Here are some tips to help keep the momentum going all year round.
Write your goals down. Post them in a place you see every day! Written affirmations have shown to be extremely effective, but you need to see them on a daily basis in front of you and not just ideas in your head.
Find friends to share goals with. For instance, if you are looking to do Whole30, find some friends to share in the challenge with you. You can keep each other accountable and give motivation!
Set smaller goals. Instead of tackling the goal of 50 pounds, try smaller daily goals like “Take a 20-minute walk daily” or “eat a serving of veggies at each meal.” Small behavioral changes lead to bigger results later on.
Be realistic about your own obstacles and find ways around them. For instance, if you know you are too tired at the end of the day to workout, then restructure your routine in a way you can workout earlier in the day. It may sound obvious but stop trying to do the same thing each time hoping for different results just because you feel like you should. For instance don’t go straight home after work if you know once you are on the couch you’ll never get up again. The solution could be go for a walk, go to the gym, or do your workout outside before you even enter your house.
Remember why you are doing it. Is this really important to you? How much are you willing to put it as a priority over other things? Remember anything worth doing takes work, patience and time.
Get a trainer. Your own personal trainer can get you back onto a new routine or give you the accountability you need at this time. Your trainer can not only give you customized workouts best fit for your goals but also make sure you do them!
Looking to start your new year’s goals but need some help? Contact me at happyhelen@gmail.com for your 2021 workout and nutrition plans that will propel you into success!