How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
It's now almost February and take a look at what you've done in the last month. Have you held up your fitness goals? Are they still intact or did you make some attempts and give up?
The top 3 main reasons why most people's new year's resolution's fail and how to fix them:
Goals are too unrealistic. This is the biggest problem. People set unrealistic goals that are more for long-term than short term goals. For instance, if you want to lose 100 pounds as a goal, it's too overwhelming and big of a goal to tackle at once - so after a month, when you potentially may have lost only 1 or 2 pounds, you get discouraged and move on.
Solution: Setting small, short-term goals along the way is a great way to keep up your motivation and use to check off progress.
You are trying to do too much at once. The other problem is that most people set a bunch of goals to achieve and find it very stressful to try to do it all at once. Or maybe, you can keep it up for a month, but pretty soon, trying to accomplish multiple goals means that one will fall short along the way. You only have so much time and energy in a day to devote to each one, which makes it unsustainable for long term success.
Solution: Focus on one resolution at once. Figure out how much time you have realistically outside your job and personal life to dedicate to your goals.
You are not ready for a change. Examine your resolutions. Are you the one who want these resolutions or are they influenced by others? Maybe it is your friends, family or even social media making you feel like you SHOULD do it, but you don't really want to.
Solution: Ask yourself: how much effort and time are you willing to take on to achieve your goals? Are you willing to give up something else to make room for your goal?
If you feel like you need accountability and direction, hiring a personal trainer can give you the guidance you need. Your trainer can help you set realistic goals and help you make gradual change to success. Everyone needs outside help – so don't be afraid to ask for it! Email me at to discuss a new you for 2020!